速報APP / 遊戲 / Ghost Tower AR

Ghost Tower AR





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Lima Perú

Ghost Tower AR(圖1)-速報App

Defeat spooky ghosts and dragons as they attack you from a virtual tower that comes to life in your very own environment. Spot the ghosts and dragons as they fly into your space and inhabit your world. It’s a game of survival that calls for a good aim and a quick eye. Make sure to get them before they get you!

Ghost Tower AR is super fun game that takes advantage of augmented reality functionalities to create an engaging and surprising new kind of experience. This is a first of its kind AR game that will blow your mind!

Ghost Tower AR(圖2)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖3)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖4)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖5)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖6)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖7)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖8)-速報App

Ghost Tower AR(圖9)-速報App